Flash is Back!
I am so excited. Flash Fiction is back on Goodreads. I'm actually on a couple of websites and Facebook pages that post up pictures for flash fiction, but there is something easy about GR's 100 word submissions. Plus, almost all the pictures are inspiring. This one is going to be expanded for a chapter of Hustle and Hart, a brand new YA novel I'm currently writing. Enjoy!
April 2019 - Flash Fiction
(Inspiration for Hustle and Hart)
He didn’t know about me. Nobody did. Friends don’t kiss friends. That’s the truth, but I wanted to. I wanted him as more than a friend.
He’d just spilt his guts, his secrets, confided in me, and all I could do was stare. At his mouth, his eyes, his hands gripping his thighs, knuckles going white. His heart was probably pounding as fast as mine, galloping like one of those horses he could ride.
I took one step closer, than two, moving between his spread thighs and covered his hands with mine. I raised my eyes from groin to chest to face, felt him wrap his big, warm hands around my neck, and shuddered at the first taste of his lips.