Wednesday, April 10, 2024

April 2024 - Flash Fiction

 Begone, foul creature!

“Begone, foul creature!” Milton said, brandishing his tiny wooden sword.

The monster growled, low and deep, but Milton protected his charge. Penn was his. His boy. They’d been together since Penn was born. He thrust his sword at the creature’s snout, landing a solid bonk on the nose.

The sharp-toothed demon reared back, peering down at Milton in confusion. “I was only here to give him a nightmare. That’s my job.”

“Well, I’m here to say no. No nightmares for my Penn.” He jabbed at the beast again. “Slip away, return to your domain under the bed, and never return.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Happy Lover's Holiday

Happy Lover's Day to one and all!

I thought it time to revisit the blog, as I do love posting my snippets and flash fiction here for you all to read. 
Attended my monthly writing group meeting last night, last night's five-minute exercise was inspiring love for me. It was perfect to share for the lover's holiday.

Finish the following: The sun is in my eyes but I think I see…
the turn-off.
Oh damnit. I slammed on the brakes. Quickly, I checked the traffic, flipped on the turn signal, and just barely made the exit. Being late on today of all days would be awful.
I had people waiting for me. So many people. From far and near they drove, took airplanes, one even came by train because they hated flying. Me, I lived nearby, so driving was best, but I seriously couldn't be late.
Most of the guests I knew, a few would be strangers, but soon they'd all become family.