Tuesday, July 21, 2020

New Cover for Cupid's Arrows

I've put my daughter's digital skills to work, and I think she did fantastic! What do you think?

Buy or Borrow on #KU

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

July Flash

July Flash(back)

Inspiration for Moondrake. The picture stayed with me, but the scene totally changed in the story.

Flash Fiction April 4, 2015
This was another teaser for my #LOR story: Moondrake

When Manning entered their room he found Brandt sprawled on the small bed, an arm thrown over his face. As always, a single glance at his lover shot a rush of adrenaline through him.

“What happens now?” Brandt mumbled, his voice barely audible. Manning licked at his lips, but choose not to speak yet, instead he slid to the floor at the side of the bed.

The bed shifted at his back and Brandt’s head came to rest on his shoulder. Manning leaned into him, revealing in being able to feel his lover’s skin once more.

“Now, I train you.”