Friday, April 15, 2016

Spin Play and Spring Musings

My goal of posting monthly fell by the wayside, crashing in dramatic fashion, but not forgotten. The last few months I've been pulled in a variety of directions.

First there was the request to join an ARC review team. I jumped at the chance to read a new contemporary author, not knowing she had a slew of backlog titles and I'd be reviewing a new book every 10 days. Keep an eye out for Sierra Riley, she's got a few worthwhile reads, and some not so good ones. Read my reviews on Goodreads first to make sure you don't waste your time.

Then there the opportunity to review for QUEERcentric Books. After writing a few reviews for the website, I was officially accepted onto the team, and now you can follow me here. What started as just reading and writing the reviews, recently became posting my own reviews. It was a learning process that quickly enabled me to write better blogs for you, my fans. I learned how to insert pictures, and highlight quotes, how to create links and further customize this blog. There's still tricks I've got to figure out, but I'll get there.

Spin Play

One goal accomplished was finalizing my fourth book in my Southern Jersey Shores series. I give you Spin Play...

The cover was created by Francu Wulf Godgluck with the critical eye of KC Faelan lending a hand on both cover and beta reading. I also want to send out some cyber love to my betas: Jonathan Penn, Eric Alan Westfall, Al Stewart and Dawn Sister, and my editor: Debbie McGowan over at Beaten Track Publishing. Thank you all for your continued support and help in getting Spin Play from the first words to the final release. It's now available for preorder at Amazon, Smashwords and ARE.

Spin Play wasn't the only cover I had Wulf and KC collarborating on. I also had them help me redo Ultimate Summer (SJS #3). Check it out...

Nice, right??

Another chunk of time was a bucket list vacation item, and I headed to Las Vegas for a week of playtime. What a fantastic city, but I was too tired at night to actually see much of the Sin that gives the city its nickname. Absinthe, though, now there's a show. Fantastic: raunchy and breathtaking in more than one way. Also while I was there, my husband and I also joined fellow author Hunter Frost and her significant other for dinner. We got an eyeopener into the history of the city, while Hunter and I got to compare "notes".

So now, I'm back to and the follow up to Lion's Hero. Among other family obligations. NaNo camp is going slow, but that's okay. Just keep writing...