Monday, January 2, 2017

Dear 2017: Goals to Go

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Holiday Season. Me? I'm still going. Hanukkah started on Christmas Eve, then we traveled to long-time family friends on Christmas Day. (Tradition!) We then drove to Rhode Island to celebrate Christmas with my husband's family on the 30th, followed by New Year's with his best friend. I'll finally celebrate Hanukkah on the 7th of January with my side of the family.

Could I have done without three weeks worth of celebration? Probably, but it's been sort of nice extending the season, and I seriously did not have to rush to buy presents. Speaking of presents, I like and dislike the idea. Our society has definitely gotten too caught up in the commercialism and in a bid to cut back, I limited my spending where I could. When lists were wanted, I choose not to list gift cards, but actually items that can be used or worn or cherished, such as games, touchscreen gloves and beloved movies.

But, now the new year is upon us/me, and as I look back over 2016, I couldn't have been more happier. So many goals were accomplished: Spin Play and Hammer's Thief were completed and published. We spent an amazing week in June in Disney World and topped the summer with the son, Erik's Bar Mitzvah. I spent a lot more time with my kids, playing Pokemon Go, or just going for walks. Hint to Moms - make them take a walk with you without electronics. They can't stand the silence and will talk and talk and talk. LOL.

My goals are not as definitive for 2017 as they were with 2016, but I've got a few:

  • Complete and publish 2 book projects
  • Lose a few pounds (okay, okay, 10, but I'd be happy with 5 and keeping it off)
  • Bike more and ride in at least two 30 mile charity rides
  • Get my Passport
  • Attend at least one LGBT book convention
All worthy goals that are doable or that I can achieve success in moving towards. Oh! and maybe post here more often.  Wouldn't that be nice?

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